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Why do people live in tiny homes


Tiny homes have become increasingly popular in recent years and there have even been real estate shows that are played on cable television that concentrate only the acquisition of these tiny homes. Of course tiny homes are just that; tiny, and make for some uncomfortable living conditions for many people. Why then are they so popular with homeowners?

Coziness and Family Oriented Home

If you ever want to feel truly cozy and close to your family members than a tiny home is perfect. While this may not be attractive to many people, doing so can be truly an exciting situation for some homeowners and in particular empty nesters who are now trying to adapt to an empty home.

Lower Costs

Many homeowners not only like the coziness of a tiny home; they also like the low cost. Tiny homes require only a minimal cost to purchase and to maintain compared to the vast expansive cost of a larger home. For a home that is looking to save money on their costs or on one that is struggling financially, this can be a big deal indeed. Smaller homes have a smaller ecological footprint too and therefore the environmental cost of having a tiny home is much less than a full sized home.

The Challenge of it All

Some people are simply attracted to the challenge of living in an tiny house and having to be both organized and structured with your home. Tiny homes are a real challenge to the homeowners in terms of getting rid of unnecessary things from your life, finding better ways to organize yourself, and by concentrating on a simpler and more basic lifestyle. These steps can all make a real difference in organizing yourself and making your life better and more structured. A tiny home forces you to take these steps and progress in a logical way towards getting by with less.

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